Family Business
Chapter 7
It had been several months since they filmed their first scene. Amy had taken the next two semesters off from college so she could focus on this career full-time.
Success didn't come immediately, but they got there eventually. At the moment, Amy was examining a rattan cane, flexing it in her hands. She had become quite the expert on all things spanking lately.
"I can't say I like the crook handle," she remarked. "That's fine for a school scene, but for a judicial scene, I'm thinking a straight handle with some sort of grip attached."
"That's a good point," said Mike. "I've heard good things about this cane manufacturer though, so maybe we can keep this for use in a later scene. We'll just stick to the cane I showed you yesterday for this upcoming scene."
"Maybe you can give me a few strokes with this one later so we can see how good it is," said Amy. "After tonight's scene, of course."
Mike adjusted the shirt of the correctional officer uniform he was wearing. He looked closely at the orange prison jumpsuit that Amy had on. It looked pretty convincing. Her hair was messed up and she wasn't wearing make-up. She had purposely stayed up all night to look sufficiently haggard for this scene.
"Alright, let's go over the scene again briefly," said Mike. "I will bring you in handcuffed. After I remove your handcuffs, we will do a long and thorough strip search. Remember, you're an inmate who hates authority, not a professional porn actress. So you need to look embarrassed."
Amy smiled. "I'm getting better at blushing on demand, so that shouldn't be a problem."
"Good, realistic reactions are what we're going for," said Mike. "After that, I will secure you over the spanking bench for your caning. I will be deliberately miscounting strokes, so you can expect to receive more than the twelve you have been sentenced to. Now then, let's get ready to film another masterpiece."